Daily Breaths

Daily Breaths is a simple approach to presence in the form of listening, noticing, sensing, and being with your life, as is.

Meditation.Conflict Resolution.Learning.Healing.Self Care.Community Care… begins with listening.

Over the month of April, from new moon to new moon, Daily Breaths will slowly build our capacity to yield fluency in a personal (meditation.attention.breathing.being.fill in your intention) practice. Inspired by a month long meditation endeavor with Gillian St. Clair, we are layering consistency in sweetly by adding 5 minutes to our practice each phase.

Sit, lie down, walk, eyes open, closed, together, alone… this approach is less about exact technique and more about having some time to breathe and pay attention. 5 minutes will turn to 10, then 15, up to 20 through the cycle. One step, one step, as we say.

If discipline is what you need, set a timer and commit. If softness will serve you, weave your time, attention, and breaths in as nourishment rather than obligation. That might change daily. Or stick with one way the whole time. The rules are yours to make. You’ll be breathing anyway. Let’s see what happens when you pay attention. Here’s a gentle nudge to join me in Daily Breaths.

Day 4 : breathe.listen to this simple 5 minute prompt for ease of mind.

Check out my instagram highlights for each daily practice. Use this sweet calendar to make note of what your practice brings you. As always, I’m here for any of it. It’s been awhile. Send a note and let me know how you’re doing in these times. Giving thanks, we are here breathing.

with peace,m